Chronic Pain Relief


First off I’d like to say what a great person Tamara is. She takes the time to listen and understand exactly what your needs are.  I have had trigeminal neuralgia for 5 years and saw a few neurologist that all wanted to treat my condition with medications which have horrible side effects and little results. I decided to researched alternative medicines, acupuncture being one of them then a friend referred me to Tamara. She instantly changed my life!  My first visit with her was like a miracle — I felt instant relief!

We discovered that my weakened Immune system was a big trigger and began using herbal medicine which significantly helped reduce  episodes of pain. Each week there were more improvements. I began treatment in June and by August I was able to take an extended vacation to visit my family which was not possible prior to this. I had no pain! Tamara helps patients with different needs and from first-hand, in managing chronic pain — she truly is a blessing!

~D.D., Traverse City MI