
Call for a consultation or set up your next appointment today!

Balance for Self Healing, LLC

Tamara Graf R Ac., Dipl. Ac., C.H.

Call: (231) 329-2026


10781 E. Cherry Bend Rd.
Studio 18
Traverse City, MI 49684

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1. Open Google Maps and make sure you’re signed in.

2. Search for the place “Balance for Self Healing”

3. Click Write a review.

4. In the window that appears, click the stars to score the place. If you want, you can also write a review.


Review on Facebook

1.  Like & Follow my business Facebook page: Balance for Self Healing

2. Under Reviews, you may also click the stars to score my business & if you want, also write your review for others to see.

Review on Yelp

1. Go to Yelp

2. You may have to login or create a login to review my business. (Your login will allow you to rate and review others online as well!)

3. Click the red button “Write a Review”

From the bottom of my heart, Thank you!!!